More play time and tucker time: Bundamba Schools Score Upgrades

05 June 2024

• Goodna Special School, Kruger State School, and Collingwood Park State School
are to receive funding for playground and tuckshop facilities as part of the Miles
Government’s Eat Right, Play Right, Learn Well program, launched in 2022.

• 277 state schools will be sharing in the latest round of funding of $101 million.

• 418 state schools have benefited from the scheme since June 2023.

Local Bundamba schools have hit the jackpot with over $1 million delivered for tuckshop and
playground facility upgrades, thanks to the Miles Government’s Eat Right, Play Right, Learn
Well program.

Goodna Special School will receive $492,200 to install a new fit for purpose tuckshop,
Kruger State School will receive $465,000 to refurbish their tuckshop and upgrade facilities,
and Collingwood Park State School will be able to restore their junior playground with
$104,305 worth of funding.

Our local schools along with almost 280 other schools across Queensland have shared in
over $100 million in the latest round of the Eat Right, Play Right, Learn Well program.

The program allowed schools to apply for up to $500,000 to upgrade playgrounds, including
soft fall surfacing and shade structures, and for tuckshops to upgrade facilities including
appliances, equipment, and benchtops.

This program will assist schools to promote essential healthy behaviours, encouraging
healthy eating and increasing nutritious food and drink offerings, and by facilitating safe
playgrounds and areas for kids to get more active and play.

Quotes attributed to Member for Bundamba Lance McCallum:

“This investment will deliver more than just better playgrounds and tuckshops but will help
our local kids lead healthier lives in the most critical phase of their development.”

“There’s no better feeling for our local children than being able to get outside with their
friends and enjoy active play time on modern and safe playgrounds.

“Our local tuckshop volunteers also do such a wonderful job at our schools that I’m proud to
be part of a Miles Labor government that is backing them in with real investment in the
things that matter to them.”

Quotes attributed to the Minister for Education Di Farmer:

“Encouraging kids to be more active is not always easy but having access to new and
improved playgrounds at school can be enticing.

“The benefits of physical activity on physical, social and emotional health are well known and
undoubtedly contribute to better learning outcomes.”


Applications for the school playground and tuckshops upgrade program have closed.
Successful schools were announced in 3 stages:
• tranche 1—announced 60 successful schools in June 2023.
• tranche 2—announced 90 successful schools in August 2023.
• tranche 3—announced 277 successful schools in May 2024.
Congratulations to the 418 schools that have been successful for funding across 427