Students to benefit from new $1M eSmart program

22 June 2020

Students at Riverview State School will benefit from a new program designed to protect them from the dangers of cyberbullying.

Member for Bundamba Lance McCallum this week announced the move as part of a $1 million partnership between the Palaszczuk Government, Dolly’s Dream and the Alannah & Madeline Foundation.

“Cyberbullying is one of the biggest issues we face in society today,” Mr McCallum said.

“It’s vital that we teach our school communities about online behaviours, social media and the tools needed to tackle cyberbullying.

“That’s exactly what these eSmart programs are all about.”

Mr McCallum said the program was a key feature of the Queensland Government’s $3.5 million commitment to implement the recommendations of the Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce.

“As part of these programs, schools are able to choose to roll out the eSmart Schools Framework, hold workshops for parents and teachers, and provide digital licences for students,” he said.

“Riverview State School was successful in its application for the framework, receiving total value up to $9,000 to review and develop policies and procedures and ensure it has effective, evidence-based processes to combat cyberbullying.”

Cybersafety programs already in place across Queensland include:

  • The Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group, providing advice on bullying, harassment and violence through the Bullying. No Way! website.
  • A specialist Bullying Response team of senior officers who respond to referrals for urgent advice and support to families affected by bullying.
  • A dedicated team of specialists in the Cybersafety and Reputation Management Team who help schools respond to and prevent inappropriate online behaviour.